Level of measurement in statistics

Skalenniveau in Statistik

Why are there level of measurement? The level of measurement is important because it determines what kind of statistics and analysis can be done. The higher the scale level, the more analysis possibilities there are. What are level of measurements? Scale of measurements refers to the way the values of a variable are measured and …

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SPSS Test normal distribution

SPSS Normalverteilung überprüfen

What is the normal distribution? The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian normal distribution or bell curve, is an important distribution in statistics and occurs in many different applications. It describes a symmetrical distribution in which the data are distributed around a mean value (the arithmetic mean). The normal distribution has a characteristic course …

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SPSS Reliability analysis (Cronbach’s Alpha) in 4 steps

SPSS Reliabilitätsanalyse (Cronbach´s Alpha) Bild

Understanding Reliability Analysis Reliability analysis provides insights into the dependability of an analysis. It measures the extent to which a method consistently yields the same results upon repeated applications. If you were to repeat your experiment, would you obtain similar outcomes? A “No” answer implies a problem. Perfect reliability means a measurement (be it an …

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SPSS Test Linearity

SPSS Linearität prüfen

Linearity in statistics An important requirement for performing calculations in SPSS is linearity between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Linearity states that the relationship between the variables is linear, meaning that the change in the dependent variable is proportional to the change in the independent variable. If linearity is not present, the results …

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SPSS multiple linear Regression

SPSS multiple lineare Regression berechnen

What is multiple linear regression? Multiple linear regression is a technique for modeling the relationship between a dependent variable (also called the target variable) and multiple independent variables (also called predictors). Multiple linear regression is used to estimate a linear relationship between variables and predict how the dependent variable will change based on changes in …

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Creating data

R Studio has many basic functions die so dazu kommen. r studio gleichzeitig darauf ausgelegt flexibel mit neuen Funktionen erweitert zu werden. Dies geschieht mit sogenannten package. auf dieser webseite werden wir immer wieder installieren. in r studio lassen sich packages leicht installieren test dfdfdf Help function R viel infos zu bekommen. aber schnellere funktion. …

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MySQL einrichten

MySQL ist ein Datenbankmanagement-System (DBMS) das SQL (Structured Queries Language)integrerit . ( mit spezifishcen Eingaben (Queries) befehle auf der Datenbank ausführen lasst. Mit SQL lassen sich viele Programme nutzen, die auf SQL basieren. In diesem Tutorial installieren wir die Tools auf deinem Computer MySQL kann auf Windows und Mac installiert werden. Zwischen den Systemen gibt …

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Schnelleinstieg: SQL Coding Trockenübungen

Link zum SQL Editor von w3schools.com Es ist eine Sandbox zum trainieren. auf SQL drücken um es zu starten es ist kein SQL. Filter nutzen SELECT * FROM Customers; So sieht das auf dem Editor aus. Alle Kunden werden angezeigt durch den oberen Befehl. Weitere Befehle könnten sein: SELECT * FROM Employees; Sortierung nutzen Befehle …

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One-way Anova SPSS

One-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) is a structural test procedure and is the same as the t-test in that it compares group differences (or condition differences). The advantage of ANOVA is that it can compare more than two groups. For example, an experiment is to be conducted to determine which diet is most effective in …

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Installing R packages

R Studio has many basic functions that are coming with it. r studio at the same time is designed to be flexibly extended with new functions. This is done with so-called package. on this website we will install repeatedly. Packages can be installed in R Studio with the following command. Installed packages remain permanently in …

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