SPSS Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

SPSS Faktorenanalyse und Hauptkomponentenanalyse

What is Factor Analysis? Factor analysis is a multivariate analysis method used to explore and explain the structure of relationships between variables. It’s often applied in psychology and social science disciplines to identify the dimensions or factors that explain the relationships between variables. In this post, we will focus on how to conduct a factor …

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SPSS unpaired t-Test (independent)

SPSS ungepaarter t-Test berechnen

Independent Samples t-Test in SPSS An independent t-test, also known as an unpaired t-test, is a statistical method used to determine whether there’s a significant difference between the means of two independent groups. For instance, this might involve comparing the average grades of students using different textbooks. The t-test calculates a value indicating how much …

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SPSS paired t-test

SPSS gepaarter t-Test berechnen

SPSS Guide: Mastering the Paired t-Test for Comparative Data Analysis The paired t-test in SPSS is a straightforward method to compare two related measurements, indicating a dependency or relationship between them. This relationship could be, for example, surveying the same individual at two different points in time. Consider exploring the effect of a diet by …

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SPSS multiple linear Regression

SPSS multiple lineare Regression berechnen

What is multiple linear regression? Multiple linear regression is a technique for modeling the relationship between a dependent variable (also called the target variable) and multiple independent variables (also called predictors). Multiple linear regression is used to estimate a linear relationship between variables and predict how the dependent variable will change based on changes in …

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